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Latitude, Southampton, Bellway Homes

Express Utilities supported Bellway Homes with an upmarket site in a riverside community. This village development of 250 homes shows the capabilities of Express Utilities in providing connections for sites from just a few new homes to larger scale developments.

Grays Mews, Watford, Nascot Homes

With seven adoptions and two standard gas connections to be made on a small hard-to-access site, Nascot Homes required a utilities provider who could work quickly, efficiently and within a strict budget. Express Utilities met these requirements perfectly.

Park Road, Uxbridge, Kearns Development Ltd

With a tight schedule and nine high-end flats to deliver, Kearns Development Ltd needed the installation and connection of the gas meters to be a smooth and efficient process. Knowing they would receive a first-class service and dedicated point of contact, Kearns chose Express Utilities.